This site is dedicated to Tori and everyone who loves her. It should allow all of us to share our feelings for her and our stories about her. We will also enter all updates on Tori's condition and progress to this site. Please feel free to direct others to this site for information on Tori. We thank all of you greatly for your love, prayers, thoughts and support. -- The Schmanski Family gets a face lift

I would like to thank Robb Perry for designing a new look for Tori's site. In the first days of the site, I wanted to make that the content would be able to get there and now it seems that it is. Robb, a designer in the company I work for, offered to stay a little later on his Friday evening and help with his artistic skills. The result is simply gorgeous and humble, like ToRi.

He was inspired by the stories and photographs. He particularily liked the yellow ribbon and decided that we should try to re-use it. Another thing Robb mentioned was how Tori 'lights up' on her pictures with Jake (used on the upper left-corner)...

Again, thank you very much Robb and Ryan for your help in dressing up the site. If you see robbsterino online on the site, maybe you will be able to thank him yourself.


Tip: at any point in time, you can click on the top logo to go back to the home page.

Dinner with 8 desserts...

Since the accident, Maria, Tim, Guy and I have been eating out at restaurants in Salt Lake City...
Yesterday, we went to a cool deli/restaurant, italian/french style. It is called Avenues Bakery.
After dinner we ordered:
-3 pistachio eclair
-1 chocolate eclair
-1 carrott cake
-1 rhubarb crisp
-1 bread pudding
-1 creme brulee!!!

I blamed it on the sugar craving and all the pain to see ToRi in the hospital.
But that's what Tim and Guy are eating EVERYTIME we go out !!!
Then, we went to see ToRi. Her new room is cool, with a sofa and it's much quieter.
She was awake. So we talk to her, it was nice...
She looks like ToRi again.

Maria and I are leaving for NYC tomorrow night.
I miss Whitney and I cannot wait to see all the dances...


Je t'aime ToRi

Good Morning from Minnesota

What wonderful news you have shared with us! And thanks to Guy for sharing the NY Time article as well. We are all so proud of the dance team and the dedication to their dance and to Tori. We missed Good Morning America so I am not sure the team was able to get a "spot". Hopefully they did. Tim and Maria -- be sure to take good care of yourselves. Thanks again for sharing with us. All our Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

My Testimony

I have been a friend of Tori's for as long as I can remember, I live just a few houses down from Russel's house. I havent seen her much lately. But she is a really special girl, and I can tell that she is really loved by alot of people. I think that this whole idea of this website is great, it makes me a little more content knowing how she is doing everyday, and I thank Tim and whoever else is doing it. I was one of the emergency personel on the scene. I was on the second ambulance, and I had not realized that Tori was even involved. But when we arrived at the ER, and I saw Tori, I really didn't know what to think. This whole thing has been a real testimony to me for the power of prayer, and the power of the holy Melchizedek preisthood. When Mike Neilson,his sons and other people (I can't really remember everyone) gathered to give a priesthood blessing to Tori, it was a very spiritual experience for me. I think that she is a very special girl, and with the power of prayer, she will recover. I am praying for you Tori, and for your family. You are an awesome girl with awesome parents, I hope the best for you. Love, Cayson Staples

Tori and Amber's Dance Company Picture

Tori and Amber's Dance Company Picture

Tori's Dance Company picture

Tori's Dance Company picture

The Dance Club in NYC

Hey everyone this is Kara Hill on Teen Company at The Dance New York. I just wanted to give you an update on how we are doing here. Today, the juniors did their number (that Whitney is in) called 'Numb' at the Junior and Mini Gala. They won the Mini Critic's Choice award for 2005!! The Sr.s number "Hernando's Hideaway" made it into tomorrow nights gala. The Teen and Sr.s number "No Strings" made it into tomorrow nights Gala also!! Because Numb won tonight, it means that we won't be able to win tomorrow night, because there is a rule that the same studio can't win twice. We love and miss you Tori!!

Thursday, July 7th - Day 18 update

WOW!! Did I mention yesterday that today should be an interesting day?!?! I am creating this update early tonight since there is alot to elaborate on.

Today began when I told Tori "Good morning Tori it's your Dad" while she was in a complete sleep. Tori immediately opened her eyes very widely then proceeded to cry very hard with that absolutely anguished look on her face. She cried uncontrollably for 20-30 minutes as we tried to calm her and it was another one of those so hard to witness diplays of emotion. Tori had Maria, the nurse and I in tears right with her and I just don't know how many more times I can see her in a state like that... I very badly wish I knew exactly what she is feeling, but I don't.

The rest of the day was a treat compared to the morning!! First off, Tori breathed on her own for at least 8 hours today and was awake for almost the entire day as well. Secondly, Tori gave us some of the big smiles we have been waiting for!! And better yet, she did it in an unsolicited fashion meaning we didn't ask her to smile for us - she just did it on her own :-) When Shaid Depalma approached her and said "Hi Tori!" an immediate grin and smile appeared on Tori's face. We realize those smiles are very small things in the BIG picture but they sure do HELP ALL OF US to see them!!

All in all, Tori is soooo much more active and awake with the 50% Keppra reduction. She also has had NO Myoclonic seizures to this point and if she can go another day or two they will cut the Keppra even further. They might also begin to decrease the Depacone which Tori is taking as well.

Tori was also mentioned along with Whitney in the New York Times today!! Guy posted the link in another BLOG entry so everyone please read it. From what I understand it is the first article of a 3 article series so there should be more. I believe some the Dance Club team members are going to try to be in the crowd for the Today Show on NBC tomorrow morning. Keep a good look out for the PRAY4TORI Signs!!

The New York Times writes about Tori, Whitney and the dance club

Erika Kinetz, for the New York Times wrote an article entitled Budding Dancers Compete, Seriously on July 7th.

...And so it was that Whitney went on stage without her big sister to compete...

You can read the entire article here: Budding Dancers Compete, Seriously.

There are several great pictures as well posted with the article.

Palm trees and friends...

Palm trees and friends...

I did not know where this picture was taken but please see Kara's comment. Thank you Kara.