My Testimony

I have been a friend of Tori's for as long as I can remember, I live just a few houses down from Russel's house. I havent seen her much lately. But she is a really special girl, and I can tell that she is really loved by alot of people. I think that this whole idea of this website is great, it makes me a little more content knowing how she is doing everyday, and I thank Tim and whoever else is doing it. I was one of the emergency personel on the scene. I was on the second ambulance, and I had not realized that Tori was even involved. But when we arrived at the ER, and I saw Tori, I really didn't know what to think. This whole thing has been a real testimony to me for the power of prayer, and the power of the holy Melchizedek preisthood. When Mike Neilson,his sons and other people (I can't really remember everyone) gathered to give a priesthood blessing to Tori, it was a very spiritual experience for me. I think that she is a very special girl, and with the power of prayer, she will recover. I am praying for you Tori, and for your family. You are an awesome girl with awesome parents, I hope the best for you. Love, Cayson Staples