Jill and Donny's blog

With sadness and tears ...

Dearest Tim and Maria and your beloved family. Kathryn contacted us yesterday and told us about Tori. It's difficult to express our sadness and concern when you are so far away. Please know that we always think and pray every day for all of you. We are so sorry for your loss. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Love Aunt Jill and Uncle Donny.

Sleep well tonight!

We are praying that all of you will have a restful night and a good night's sleep. Reading this journey has been difficult and I can't begin to imagine the frustration, anxiety and down-right anger you must feel at this moment. My heart goes out to Tori. We love her so much and you must miss her terribly not having her home. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. We love you guys! Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Thoughts & Prayers

We read your website daily and were saddened by the new development. Tori is the strongest person I have ever known. She will get through this and so will all of you. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Happy Father's Day - a bit early

Thinking of you especially this weekend - but always thinking of all of you, of course. We have steadily been following Tori, her sleep difficulties AND SUCCESSES! Thank you for your daily updates - we are extremely grateful for the information. We know that tonight will be a better night for all. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

We love you, Tori! from Minnesota

I am grateful to hear that your last illness has subsided and that you are feeling better, continuing with PT (hang in there Honey! you are doing great). I am so impressed with Michelle's collage - she is extremely talented. I will thank her personally in another blog. It shows all of us just how much you are loved, thought of, and missed by your friends, fellow students and dance partners. Thank you all so much for continuing to support Tori. It means so very much to all of us so far away from her. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny.

Get Better Tori!

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Please do keep the updates coming as we are very concerned with all of you. We are well. Spring is coming! LOTS of yard work to do and coming up. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Greetings from Minnesota

Tori continues to amaze and mystify us. I know that she is so happy to be home that her hard work will continue. Our love and support to you. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Greetings from Minnesota

We are thinking of you today -- as we do every day. It sounds like the new treatments are going well. I must admit I was apprehensive and I am grateful that all is going well. All of you are in our thoughts and prayers. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Wonderful news!

I am so excited at this progress I could bust! Uncle Donny has faithfully been reading the progress on a daily basis and, as usual, fills me in on the details. This is the best for Tori and all of you. And, as always every day, our thoughts and prayers are with you. One concern - hopefully you will continue the pray4tori.com website so that all of us can follow the progress at home. AND - the pray4tori candles and the beautiful bracelets will still be available to order. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny PS We have gone "wireless" with keyboard and mouse - the keyboard is a definite challenge for me because it truly is very different than the previous one we have at home and the one I use at work. Be prepared for typos!

We haven't forgotten you!

Even though I have not entered in Tori's website for quite some time (best wishes in 2006 by the way) I want you to know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers every minute of every day. We continue our Tori "advocacy" and tell Tori's story to anyone who will listen, wear our Tori bracelets when out and about. Uncle Donny reads the website every day and then briefs me. I am taking a somewhat different approach - it seems to impact me more if I read a week's worth of Tim's entries and other's comments to comprehend just how hard Tori and her family is working to get her home. By the way, short updates are just fine. Not only that, Tori is a great movie critic! (Must see Ice Princess and March of the Penguins - they appear to be her favorites). Will continue the Card Marathon in 2006 (suppose you thought that would go away -- sorry :)!) All our love. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

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