sophie's blog

Bon Anniversaire ToRi

Bon Anniversaire ToRi!!
Wel love u and we would love to be with you today...
We miss you

On t'aime,

Sophie, July et Guy

Dinner with 8 desserts...

Since the accident, Maria, Tim, Guy and I have been eating out at restaurants in Salt Lake City...
Yesterday, we went to a cool deli/restaurant, italian/french style. It is called Avenues Bakery.
After dinner we ordered:
-3 pistachio eclair
-1 chocolate eclair
-1 carrott cake
-1 rhubarb crisp
-1 bread pudding
-1 creme brulee!!!

I blamed it on the sugar craving and all the pain to see ToRi in the hospital.
But that's what Tim and Guy are eating EVERYTIME we go out !!!
Then, we went to see ToRi. Her new room is cool, with a sofa and it's much quieter.
She was awake. So we talk to her, it was nice...
She looks like ToRi again.

Maria and I are leaving for NYC tomorrow night.
I miss Whitney and I cannot wait to see all the dances...


Je t'aime ToRi

16 days

Well, usually, I can easy write and Guy is the one who has trouble... It's the other way around this time! And writing in English makes it even harder.
I am having so much trouble write about ToRi. But I didn't write anything for more than a week, so let's go!

After a busy week at work, I went to visit ToRi last week some nights, as well as Sunday for Tim 46th b-day (I don't like the ribs from tgi friday), Monday and today.
Monday was really hard for me: toRi cried when she coughed. My heart broke in 2 parts and I cried again and again Tim had to hold me!
(My mum will yell at me that I have Tim help me again...) But I cannot hold my emotion inside.

I admire Maria and Tim so much. I could not be the way they are. They are so strong. I try to help them, but I feel like I don't do anything. ( That is because of Guy who is been so helpfull to them).
Tomorrow, I am going with Maria and Tim at the rehab facility in the middle of nowhere ( I can not spell the city).
I will do my best to be strong for you my friends...

1 week

It's been a week since my worse nightmare appeared: losing someone close to me.
But it's not real yet, because I don't want that to become real, and because Tori is a fighter!
Thank you Tori to be here with us, and to fight for us.
I miss you...

Je t'aime

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