This site is dedicated to Tori and everyone who loves her. It should allow all of us to share our feelings for her and our stories about her. We will also enter all updates on Tori's condition and progress to this site. Please feel free to direct others to this site for information on Tori. We thank all of you greatly for your love, prayers, thoughts and support. -- The Schmanski Family

Monday Evening, June 27th - Day eight update

Hello again everyone,

Today started off a little rough this morning when Tori had a either a seizure or a myochronic reation. The nurses call them 'rodeos' and Tori was all over the place... It is definitely not very fun to witness but thankfully both the doctors and our favorite Neurologist Francis were present during the episode. The doctors believe it was a seizure but the Francis believes it was caused by myoclonus which can be treated with the correct drugs. So Francis decided that Tori was to be given a new drug called Keppra and I'm happy to report that she had NO seizures for the rest of the afternoon and through Monday night. The Keppra does seem to make her a bit more drowsy so the breathing test has been postponed until Wednesday so Tori can be without any sedation. She needs to be fully aware for that test.

Tori's neck brace was also removed on Monday!! She has even turned her head a few times which is something new for her. I also spent several hours with her today and tested her eye reactions to me moving around the room and out of her view. She definitely tracks the movement with her eyes but we don't know exactly what she is seeing at this point. I also tickled her ALOT and I can get reaction from her much more easily than last week and with the slightest touch at times.

One of the many Pray 4 Tori signs on a car

One of the many Pray 4 Tori signs on a car

This is a picture of a car taken in The Dance Club parking lot.

More Love From Minnesota

Hello. I am Julie Schmanski Pittman. Tori's dad's cousin from Minnesota. We saw Tori 2 years ago, when the family came up for a family reunion. During that visit, Tori brushed my big 18 lb. cat, Kit, for about an hour. I think he lost 2 lbs. after Tori finished. I can tell she loves cats.
I appreciate Tori's spunkiness, confidence and beauty. When my husband, Matt and I visited the Schmanski clan about four years ago, we went boating. Tori forgot her swimsuit, but that didn't stop her. She went tubing in her underwear and a t-shirt. It didn't have any affect on the fun she was having.
I can't wait for my daughter, Savannah, to meet Tori (and the rest of the family)again. She was only 7 months old when we saw them last.
We continue to pray for Tori. My co-workers and friends get regular updates and they are praying for Tori too. I believe we have all experienced the power of prayer.
Keep the strength Tori!

We believe in you, Tori !

I’m Guy’s sister, I live in Paris so sorry for my bad english!
I met Tori and her family 2 years ago and I spent 1 month with them.
One of my best memory of this amazing family is during my 1st 4th July. We made a barbecue and ate chocolate with marshmallow, after that we went to see the fireworks. I spent very good time with all of you and thank you for your welcoming and kindness.
I’m thinking of you every day and I’m sure Tori getting well day by day !
As everybody says, she’s a fignter and a winner !
I’m so far from you, I would like to be with you and help you !
I love you so much and I’m with you.


Child Life's artist sign

Child Life's artist sign

Joy from Child life asked us to fill out a form with information regarding Tori. It allowed an artist to come in and create this sign for her. It is hanged in her room. This allows for the nurses and doctors to know a little more about their patent.

Tori's bed head label

Tori's bed head label

The nurses put that sign together when they changed Tori's name to her real name. When first admitted, she was called 'Stony Drum'.

Sunday Evening, June 26th - Email update number seven

Below is the text from a general update email sent to all of Tori's friends and family.

Hello everyone,

Today was a nice, sssslllloooowwwwww and well deserved Sunday for us. Tori seemed to even take it easy but she was alert during most of the day. She contiunes to move new areas of her body like her head, neck, arms, hands and shoulders. She has some more visitors today and she really perks up when people are around her and communicating. She tends to still get excited which increases her temperature and her body also shakes at times during this process. She will hopefully be ready and rested completely for tomorrows visit by the rehabilitation specialists and for her ventilator removal test. We are hoping and praying for another good day!! More news to follow tomorrow.

Saturday Afternoon, June 25th - Email update number six

Below is the text of a general email update sent on Saturday afternoon, June 25.

Hello everyone,

I would first like to greatly thank all of you who are supporting Tori in so many different ways. I have seen pictures of all the 'Pray 4 Tori" signs plastered all over Orem, I have recieved soooo many positive and caring emails and phone calls, I have heard of the chat room conversations concerning Tori, I have read the logs and I may have even spoken with many of you personally about her. It is truly amazing how many lives Tori has touched and had an impact on!! My family and I appreciate all of this support more than any of you imagine and it provides us AND Tori a tremendous amount of comfort and confidence to continue on. Thank you all so much again and please don't stop!!

Friday Evening, June 24th - Email update number five

Below is the text of a general email sent on Friday, June 24th


Just a quick update tonight because I need some sleep time... Tori continues to improve with her primitive brian functions such as opening and closing her eyes, avoiding poke and pinch pain, coughing, gagging, etc. which is all very positive news. We are now looking and praying for some purposeful brain functions such as her trying to pull the tube from her mouth which would be great of course!! The physical therapist also began working with her today and Tori provided leg and arm resistance to the exercises they provided.

Thursday Evening, June 23rd - Email update number four

Below is the text of a general email sent Thursday evening June, 23rd.

Hello again everyone,

Tori and the rest of us had a very promising day today!! It started very early this morning at approximately 3:00am when she began attempting to open her eyes. She continued to try off and on all day and improved each time but she eventually gets upset and frustrated which causes her heart rate to increase so we have to calm her down. I just left her room minutes ago and I am totally thrilled to report that she opened her eyes, focused them on me and calmly blinked them while looking at me for at least 3 minutes!! I'm also crying again as I type this... She also moves her jaw around as she is doing this and we are really anxious to see what she can do without the stomach extraction tubes that are down her throat at the moment.