Sunday Evening, June 26th - Email update number seven

Below is the text from a general update email sent to all of Tori's friends and family.

Hello everyone,

Today was a nice, sssslllloooowwwwww and well deserved Sunday for us. Tori seemed to even take it easy but she was alert during most of the day. She contiunes to move new areas of her body like her head, neck, arms, hands and shoulders. She has some more visitors today and she really perks up when people are around her and communicating. She tends to still get excited which increases her temperature and her body also shakes at times during this process. She will hopefully be ready and rested completely for tomorrows visit by the rehabilitation specialists and for her ventilator removal test. We are hoping and praying for another good day!! More news to follow tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone,

Tim and Family