Friday Evening, June 24th - Email update number five

Below is the text of a general email sent on Friday, June 24th


Just a quick update tonight because I need some sleep time... Tori continues to improve with her primitive brian functions such as opening and closing her eyes, avoiding poke and pinch pain, coughing, gagging, etc. which is all very positive news. We are now looking and praying for some purposeful brain functions such as her trying to pull the tube from her mouth which would be great of course!! The physical therapist also began working with her today and Tori provided leg and arm resistance to the exercises they provided.

We had another Neurologist diagnose and test her today as well and he is wanting to run another MRI on Tori tomorrow morning so we can compare it against Wednesday's MRI. The MRI taken Wednesday did show normal results but they want to pinpoint and compare chemical balances between the two and double check the first MRI as well.

Her life functional heath continues to improve and and there are no identified issues with her heart and internal organs. She continues to breath on her own and we are hoping to turn off the oxygen sometime after her next MRI is complete.

Thats all I have for now. We remain optimistic and are continuing to pray, hope and pray again.

Thank you all very much for the continued love and support,

The Schmanski Family