"By Believing, One Sees"

Hello everyone,

I have been wanting to send this introduction out for many weeks now and tonight is the night. A few days after Tori's accident a book was given to me by a family who knew Tori. They had received the book from the daughter of the author, Ann Stephens. "By Believing, One Sees" is truly inspirational and in all honesty has been one of the great, guiding forces behind all of our efforts. The book chronicles Ann's personal experiences with her son Camron's Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

I read it the first time after I received Tori's 72 hour Glascow score of 3 which indicates the most severe brain damage possible and still at that point, Tori was not supposed to survive due to her extremely damaged lungs. The impact that Ann's book had on me was immeasurable at this very critical juncture and without a doubt, it is one of the primary reasons we are even at this point in Tori's recovery.

I have read the book numerous times since then and the parallels
of Ann's experience and ours is amazing. I have personally witnessed many of the positive and negative scenarios and discussions Ann describes and I was prepared for many of them just because I read her book. Tori has even had several of the same PCMC doctors that Camron had. Ann's personality also matches mine in many ways as I am stubborn, impatient, focused, extremely driven and I never like to give up!! Thankfully, Tori shares many of these characteristics as well.

"By Believing, One Sees" truly has made a huge difference
to me personally and to my family as well. I would like to encourage everyone to visit Ann's website http://www.bybelieving.com/default.htm and to perhaps order her book. It would greatly benefit and prepare everyone for the challenges ahead of us concerning Tori.

I have also personally conversed with Ann since Tori's accident and will continue to do so and she is a frequent visitor to http://www.pray4tori.com as well. She would be happy to know how you discovered her book so please let her know if you end up ordering a copy. Ordering instructions are available on her web site and the book itself is only 112 pages long so it is a quick read.

In conclusion, Ann has many excellent "Life Lessons Learned"
comments in her book and here are a couple of my favorites:

"The opinions of others about outcomes is of very little value. It is YOUR COMMITMENT that matters."

"If we want a typical outcome, we do typical things."

"If we want an exceptional outcome, we do exceptional things."

Thank you,


Life Lessons Learned

I cannot wait to get the book. I have been truly inspired Tim and Maria, by your drive and motivation to do everything you can for a positive outcome for Tori. For myself, I can say, that indirectly, Tori has already impacted my life since her accident. In the last 53 days, I have been able to put things into perspective much easier. Major issues and difficulties now seem trivial and are easier to deal with. Decisions that I have been pondering have been much easier to make. Regarding Tori's family and friends that have been so dedicated and involved in her recovery, I want all of you to know: YOU HAVE MADE AN UNBELIEVABLE IMPACT on those of us who care, but cannot be there for Tori day-to-day.
Julie Pittman

I believe in you!!!!

You are such an inspiration Tim, I hope everyone that views this website learns from your commitment. Yes, I will visit Anns website and order the book, as I want to prepare myself for what is ahead. Don't let the negativity of this world get in your way. I believe in you, Maria, your family and most importantly Tori!!!
Love to you all, Janine