PRAY4TORI Bracelets

The bracelets are in!!

I arranged for a large quantity of orange bracelets to be made and they have arrived. They read "PRAY4TORI".

We also used a member of Tori's stuffed animal 'strangling squad' to demo the bracelet :-)

The master plan is to give the bracelets away for a small donation towards the Tori Schmanski Fund. All of the Dance Club team members will be out and about looking for donations this weekend (August 4th-6th) at the Dance Attack in Park City, Utah where the Park City Arts Festival is being held as well. Posters and other items are also being prepared for this and other events.

We are going to come up with other creative ways to dispense the bracelets so don't worry all of you who will not be in Park City this weekend. More information will be coming soon.



Pray 4 Tori Bracelets

those bracelets are so cool. i love them. THANKS tim and everyone else who helped with them. whenever i get one soon i promise you i will never take it off. i love ya tori.

I would like to buy some bracelets.

Tim and Maria,

I would like to purchase some of the bracelets. please let me know how much they are. I am also willing to pay for shipping here to Illinois.

collette clay


If you need more bracelets or don't have yours, please tell Kenzie and we will get those to you! After you have sold them, please get me the money to put in Tori's fund!
Let's get everyone wearing a bracelet! Don't be shy! It's for Tori!!!
We will have a table set up at Park City too, so if anyone wants to help man, it that would be great!
Don't leave your hotel room without your sack of bracelets!!
Let's work hard for Tori! She is working hard for us!
Love, Mare

I need bracelets!!!

I need bracelets!!! I promise I won't loose them OR the MONEY hahahahha for any of you that get that. hahaa love ya kenzie and mare.

RE: I need bracelets!!!

Kara, you have said too much I believe.

You need to share your story now... or someone else will.

He He,

How much are the bracelets

How much are the bracelets? What about donations, where can we send it?

Bracelets can be ordered online...

You can now order bracelets online directly.

Please click here to find out how to get yours!


to Mary Alger-donations


Donations in general can be made to the website. See upper right hand corner of this website. Hope this helps.
