Re: Sunday, November 27th - Day 161 Update

Just got back from the hospital and figured I would develop a little on Tim's update tonight.

They were looking out the window this afternoon when I got to the hospital. Tori and Tim were hanging out in the main lobby of the hospital looking at the snow and the cars driving by. She looked quite good in her chair (expect maybe for the poorly coordinated outfit :-) ). We sat there for a little while checking out the magazines provided by the hospital and waiting for Maria.

As she arrived, Tim went out to help her get things out of the car and Tori and I played 'Ridge Racer' on the PSP for a few minutes. She was probably disappointed by my performance but it is not easy to play over her chair.

Once Tim and Maria returned, we proceeded back to Tori room where she was ready to get back into her bed.

After Tim headed home, Maria started “Ocean's Twelve” for her. She tried super-hard to watch the whole thing but her eyes got too heavy about 4/5 into it. Maria decided to let her take a nap for a few minutes.

We ordered take out dinner from Winger's and enjoyed it while Tori was sleeping. Getting back into her room, Maria promptly tuned the TV to “Desperate Housewives”. Maria had to explain to me the fabric of the show because it was processing. After a few minutes into the show, Tori woke up. She appeared calm and wanting to watch the show with Maria. They sat by each other and watch the show after I filled Tori into what had happened earlier in the episode.

All around, it was nice to see her calmer and more alert.

Like everyone else, I truly hope that Tori and Maria get a good night of sleep.
Take good care of each other,