Benefit Concert for Tori!!

Hello to family, friends, and admirers of Tori Schmanski!

I just wanted to let you all know that NEXT FRIDAY (November18th) Studio 1 will be performing a benefit concert for Tori! All ticket proceeds will go to the Schmanski family- so please do anything you can to be there! We will also be collecting any type of donations for her if you are interested! Here are the details:

Benefit Concert for Tori Schmanski!
by: Studio 1 Dance Center
Friday Novemer 18, 2005
Timpanogos High School
Darn, I just realized that I'm don't know exactly how much the tickest cost!! Sorry, I will make another post as soon as I find out!

Please tell all your friends and family to come! Let's raise as much money as we can for our sweet Tori!!!!

Thank you,
Bree Hafen

Benefit Concert

A couple of my friends and I attended the concert for Tori last night and it was amazing. The dancing was really unbelievable. Even the guys enjoyed it. We bought T-Shirts and everything, the concert was really amazing.

Benefit Concert

At the Concert will people being selling T-Shirts and stuff.

Re: Benefit Concert

Yes!! We will have Pray 4 Tori t-shirts, candles, bracelets and other items available.



Hi again!
Ok, here's the final info for the concert:

Friday November 18, 7:00pm, Timpanogos High (that you already knew...)
The cost is $5.00-adults, $3.00-children, and you may make any additional donation for Tori.
The concert should be about 90 minutes in length, and very entertaining! :-)

I hope to see you all there to support Tori and one of her passions- dance!