Tori lou

Tori lou

I think this picture may already be up, but Nicole zoomed in on Tori. So I'm giving Nicole the credit here...haha. Nicole sent this to me on the computer and said it was her favorite picture of Tori. I think it is one of mine too...we all love Tori's smiles!

This is great!

Thanks for sharing this photo. If it has been up before, I missed it and your timing is great. We need to see that great smile and think of her every minute of the day and night. Thanks! Tori's Great Auntie Jill


yah, i took this picture at school! it was on year book day. she is with jake in this picture. he is standing to the side of her. its way cute! i love it! tori has always been amazingly beautiful i love this picture! yay hooray! she is doing SOO good!
-shelby bruning xoxo