Monday, September 5th - Day 78 Update

Hello everyone,

Update 4 (05:02am)- Well, the Valium didn't touch Tori of course and now, after 6 frustrating hours in the ER, Tori is finally being moved upstairs to the CMU... Tori began storming around midnight and I asked then for some Dilaudid and she still hasn't quite received it... I also forgot to mentioned earlier that her temperature hit 40.5 degrees Celsius which is 104.9 degrees Fahrenheit. Alright, Tori just arrived in the room so I'm finally, finally signing off for the night.


Update 3 (03:38am) - we are supposed to move into our next CMU room around 4:00am this morning. Tori made it 100 yards from the hospital before she vomited in the ambulance. Maria was with her and is unsure if she aspirated or not. Tori vomited again just after her x-ray and I thought she swallowed it on that occasion. She vomited one more time just before we had her back to the emergency room. Antibiotics have already been given as a safety measure as well as Valium and some additional pain medications. Tori's Heart Rate was between 175 and 185, her Respiratory Rate between 80 and 90 and her Blood Oxygen is holding at only 90%. The Valium finally caused all of the readings to drop and I believe she is sleeping now prior to being moved to the CMU room where I am at now. It's amazing how things can change so quickly and dramatically... Please keep Tori in your thoughts and pray for her to have quick recovery.

Good night,

-Tim and Maria

Update 2 (10:34pm) - we just decided to just take her back to the PCMC instead of the Altaview Hospital. They just know her the best and we are far more comfortable with them. I'll update when I can.

Update 1 (10:34pm)

I will need to provide todays update later tonight in what I hope is a few hours away. Maria and I are taking Tori to Altaview Hospital which is up the street from HSH at 10:45pm. Tori has been very agitated and in pain for the later half of the day and we are seeing feed in her G-Tube vent from her stomach again... We are speculating the J-Tube slipped out of of her small intestine again and we need this addressed ASAP to prevent another possible aspiration. We definitely can't risk that happening again...

Thank you all and I'll update this when I can,


God bless you all

My English is not that good, but my heart doesn't know about language, and I have learn to love you guys, Tori will be ok, because, she is a special daugther of God, and she seems to be a very special spirit that will came from any problem, be patient, family, we are all praying for you, you are great!!! I love you all.

Thinking of you

I was saddened to read of Tori set back today. She had such a good weekend. I know this step backward is all part of the healing process. I continue to pray for your strength Tori!!! Tim and family hang in there, your girl is very strong willed.

Love, The Kopffs

We're thinking of you

This was difficult to read and I am sure even more difficult for you to write. We had so hoped that HSH was the answer for all of you and I think it still is - this is just a baby step backwards. Thank you so much for giving us updates. We will be anxiously checking to read more news. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Hang in there. All our love Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

You have our thoughts and prayers

I'm so sorry that Tori has taken a step backwards but we will continue to pray that this too shall pass & she will be on the road to recovery again very very soon. I think of your family many times every day although I have never met any of you. God Bless you all!

Such a hard update to read

There is no way to express how sorry we are not to be with Tori and her family right now.

Of course, like every reader, we hope that she will get better very soon,
Sophie and Guy


Although I am glad you find comfort in PCMC, I am sad to hear that she is not doing better at HSH. It was all sounding so wonderful. Thoughts and prayers...Sande N

In my thoughts

I was just checking to see if today's blog had been posted before I went to bed, and I'm sorry to read that Tori has been in pain, and having problems with her feeding tube. I hope that you have caught this before it becomes a problem. I will certainly continue to keep you two and Tori in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck.