Dinner and a show

Tim called around 11am this morning to tell me how excited of a morning Tori gave him. He said that she was very alert and responsive to his stimulation. This is of course very encouraging and we all hope she continues to show signs of progress.

Sophie and I were fortunate to make it to the hospital tonight and see her for a few minutes. I am quite convinved that Tim wore Tori out today because she appeared tired but peaceful.

From 7pm to 8pm while Tori is unavailable due to Nurse shift change, six of us went to dinner at Bangkok Thai tonight. It was quite good. Everyone one of us enjoyed their meal. I recommend the Honey Ginger Duck.

I wanted to take this opportunity to acknowledge Tori's nurse tonight. Judy is quite simply awesome. Her 19 years of experience establish her as one of the most competent nurses in the nation and I would not trade her for anyone. Not only does she take care of Tori, she was able to convince Tim and Maria to come and sleep in their bed tonight.

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