Friday, August 26th - Day 68 Update


Grandpa and Grandma Schmanski spent a restful Thursday night with Tori and she slept from 8:30pm until 6:00am or so. Then Tori began her very engaging day.

Doctor Vickroy and Tony, the respiratory technician examined her trach, throat and lungs and decided to plug her trach. Tori responded very well and went for 3 full hours of breathing normal through her throat and mouth. Her blood oxygen levels stayed at a steady 94%-95% throughout the time frame and we also heard sound from Tori for the first time in a while. Mainly just humming sounds as she adjusts to having air flowing past her vocal cords again. We also plugged her trach for another hour this afternoon and will continue testing her in this fashion through the weekend. On Monday an 'Olympic Button' will replace the trach in Tori's neck and she will be breathing through her throat and mouth in a completely normal fashion. Many more sounds should follow after that.

The occupational and physical therapists placed Tori in a standard chair today. Then they placed a removable desk in front of her and laid Tori's arms across it and then rested her head on her arms. Tori responded by raising her head off her arms and repeated this several times. This was a very positive accomplishment according to the therapists as it takes great strength to do this exercise.

Tori had many visitors today including Brandon and Deanna, Marilyn, McKenzie, Kara, PCMC nurse and friend Dawn and her children, Guy and Sophie and finally Todd and Laurie and their kids. Tori seemed to enjoy all of the company. Tori especially fixates on one of her best friends McKenzie as she gives Tori all of the details surrounding school, dance, boys or anything else that comes to her mind :-) It is rather fun and interesting to witness time and time again.

Tori wrapped up the day with another great bath!! She enjoyed it once again and she is now trying to get herself some rest for tomorrow activities. One last note is that Tori had her last dose of antibiotics today and her IV is now removed!! She is untethered now and tomorrow morning will begin with a wheelchair ride around the HSH.

Good night!!


Friday's Visit

Dena and I were fortunate enough to visit Tori last Friday, and this was the first we've seen her since her move to Healthsouth Hospital.

Tori was very tired and slept through our visit. However, this did not discourage me and Dena from talking to her. Tori’s speech therapist (sorry, I do not recall her name) was in her room at the time we arrived and cautioned us to stay very quiet. Soon the therapist asked that we get involved with her therapy, advising us to talk to Tori while she observed Tori’s response. Tori was sleepy but did move her arms and hand a bit while I was talking to her. Tori even opened her eyes momentarily. Tori’s speech therapist was so kind to us, explaining the care and treatment they offer at Healthsouth.

Next, Dr. Vickroy and the respiratory technician entered the room. Dr. Vickroy introduced himself and talked to Dena and I for at least 15 minutes. We were so impressed with the optimism and kindness expressed by Dr. Vickroy.

During this time, Tori’s respiratory technician plugged her trach. It was difficult to see Tori’s initial struggle for air, but soon she adjusted and her breathing was easy and relaxed. I am SO proud of Tori!

Also, I am happy that Tori’s at Healthsouth Hospital. It’s was good to talk with Tori’s Doctor, and therapists and hear the confidence they have in Tori’s recovery.

Tori, WE LOVE YOU!!!

Brandon & Dena