My Family Dollar Experience

I went to my local Family Dollar store in Orem to get containers for the Bracelet Donation Displays I created. I spent a good 25 minutes in the store trying to find the right containers for the job. I ended up buying all 12 containers they had and when I left I accidentally left a bag in the store the young lady who was cashiering brought it out to my 'Pray 4 Tori' decorated car and asked me who Tori was. I told her Tori's story and about my container intentions and she asked if I had any bracelets in my car. I didn't at that time so I removed the one from my wrist and gave it to her and she responded by giving me my money back and telling me she will indeed Pray 4 Tori. I thanked her and began to drive away before the tears started to fall.

I know that many of you have had similar experiences because you have told me about them. Please share them in this forum so everyone can appreciate them as well. I am so amazed and grateful for the kind and caring people who are so touched by Tori's story even though they do not know her. It definitely provides me a sense of hope in this world.

I will be posting more of my many personal experiences of this type as this forum begins to grow.

Thanks everyone,



Well like I said before I never met Tori, but I have some friends that know her, and his screen name was and I decided to check it out and that was in July and every day I get on and read, and at night I pray for her. Today I stopped by the dance studio and bought my bracelet! Hang in there Tori!! We are all praying for you!!! And I bet we are going to meet one day!
-Tuare aka T

Thanks T

Thanks T! that means alot you have No idea! well i think i remeber telling you about tori and telling you what happened and giving you the site! times like these are hard, i try to find ways to deal with the stress and pain,but at times i just can't it is just too hard. Please keep tori in your prayers and someday i know she will come around!
~Shaid S. DePalma


Well Shaid after I heard about Tori I just HAD to come to this site, and after that i get on every day even for 5 mins to check how shes doing! I keep her in my prayers and I'm telling people to come to the site and pray for her, I wear my bracelet every day! You can ask any of my friends! well if you wanna talk call me up! and I hope one day I get to meet Tori cause I bet shes awesome!

Approached by Mail Man

I had another incident the other day while I was putting gas in my jeep! A mail man came up to me and asked if he could talk to me for a second. I knew immediately what he wanted... I am getting use to this! He said that he drives all over town and he constantly sees cars with "Pray4Tori" written on them... could I tell him about Tori!
So of course I told him Tori's story and he teared up and said that he would have him and his family include her in their prayers!

Simple but touching! It always does my heart good to see people's hearts touched by this sweet, beautiful girl!

I love her soooo much!

New school year

So, its the new school year, and i was in my english class for the first time. The teacher was calling the roll.. and she was almost done with it. She called out, "Tori Schmanski?" My heart dropped. Me and my friend looked at each other in shock... and in sadness. The teacher repeated her name again, we told her that she got in a car accident.. and she said, "oh thats the tori?" So i told the class more about her .. and told them to pray for her! I have so much faith in her. i know she will hold on for us!! We need her back in our english class!!!

Re: New school year

Thanks Afton,

Your comment brought tears to our eyes. We have been emotionally struggling with the beginning of school and it just hurts so bad that Tori is not in school with all of her friends. Tori was greatly looking forward to high school!! Thank you for telling her story to the class.

Most of the comments on Tori focus her beauty and personality but Guy was right in his comments earlier today - Tori is very intelligent. Her scheduled classes included Calculus, Honors English, Honors Chemistry and French 4 as a sophomore. She was eager and ready for the challenge and I am positive she would have done very well.

We all love you Tori and we truly believe that someday you will be in classes once again.

Tim and Maria

A story about Tori

I was outside writing "Hang In There Tori!" on the back of my car when a guy riding his bike around my neighborhood came up to me. He asked who tori was and he said he's seen PRAY4TORI all over. I told him the story and he said he'd be sure to pray for her. Its incredible how so many people out there are willing to pray for her. She is meant to be here for a reason

Caring people

My dad found a note on his car one day that said that this girl had opened her car door and hit his mirror on accident. She said she tried to find who the owner was, and waited for a while, but couldn't find out who's car it was. She gave him her name and number in case there was any major damage. Then at the end, she said, "P.S. I will pray for Tori!" I'm so happy to know that there are those caring people in the world who sympathize for people in need.