Tuesday, August 23rd - Day 65 Update - Tori Graduates!!

Hello everyone!!

Tori did it!! She has finally ended her stay at the PCMC and is now at the Health South Hospital in Sandy, Utah where we can focus completely on her rehabilitation efforts!! We are excited and eager to enter this new phase in Tori's recovery. It's time to put Tori to the test and see what kind of new miracles she can produce!!

We ended up moving her from 3:00pm until 4:00pm today. Tori was absolutely great today and just seemed to soak up everything going on around her. She knew something was up today when we started packing her stuff in the late morning. She just watched intently as the signs came down, drawers were emptied and bags of items were filled. Then we loaded her into the ambulance gurney and took a 25 minute ride down the road to her new surroundings. I rode with her on the ambulance and was worried a bit about it but she just kept very calm and attentive during the entire trip. The bumps and motion didn't phase her at all which I thought was a real good sign.

She now has her own room in the HSH (Health South Hospital from here on out) and they even placed another bed next to hers for Maria, I or anyone else who tends Tori to sleep on. I'm sure with this new bed to sleep on instead of a chair... we will now have MANY volunteers to come spend the night with Tori!! ;-)

We spent quite alot of time with the lead doctor at HSH and filled him in on everything related to Tori. Both Maria and I will be spending the night with her tonight. One HUGE difference between the HSH and PCMC is that there is NOT a dedicated medical technician assigned to Tori. The ratio is about 2 technicians to 4-6 patients and it is about the same ratio with nurses. We will definitely need to be even more aware and attentive to Tori and her needs. We will meet with all of the therapists tomorrow and outline Tori's program. Our goal is to have her doing as close to 3 hours as possible of therapy per day. We will have to build to this of course and we are sure it will be very hard for Tori moving forward. I'm also positive it will be hard for us as well watching and participating in painful but completely neccessary therapy sessions...

One real bad issue at HSH is that they have no wireless internet access... I'm not even sure if they have ANY internet access but I will verify tomorrow. Another negative is the cafeteria is only open for 3 hours a day... Bummer... But there are new restaurants to try that are close I guess!! :-) I'm providing this update from a coffee shop a block away from the HSH and they are kicking me out now...

Thank you all for your prayers and support and it is all paying off!! I believe there is reason to celebrate tonight so I just had a cafe latte!! :-)

Good night!!


Way to go TORI!

I'm so glad to hear about Tori, I haven't been on lately since school and stuff started but I'm so happy to hear how well she is doing, I will continue to pray and fast for her. :) But I really I'm so happy to hear that she is doing so well!! Keep fighting!!

How Exciting!

Go Tori!!!!!!!! How exciting. Just the different surroundings should be a positive impact in Tori's recovery. I read the book By Believing One Sees. If anyone reading this, hasn't read it yet, I urge you to get a copy. I am so grateful to Anne Stephens and the person who had the insight to give the book to Tim. For myself, being in MN and not able to see Tori day-to-day, it gave me a very good indication of what she and her caretakers are going through. Also, a very special thanks to Marilyn and all of the people arranging and working the fundraising events. I was thrilled to see all of the action after missing a couple of days of updates.
Love from MN, Julie Pittman


Alright!!! WE are going forward. I'm glad to hear of Tori's move and that you have a bed! Now we all need to pray for more strength for Tori and her family to get thru these theraphy sessions. I am so happy for all of you. You are such wonderful parents. Hang in there. Love, Janine


WAY TO GO TORI!! We are chanting your name!! I am so excited to hear that you got to move. congratulations, Tim and Maria, that had to be a great day!! I will continue to pray for Tori and your family daily. you should be a proud family, there are some strong wills there. AWESOME!! Stay strong and continue the fight.
Always in my thoughts and prayers,

A Bed can be a good thing!

I am so happy for all of you. I am also glad that I got to see her yesterday...I hope that her recovery and rehab go well and that the ratio of tech's and nurses is not a problem for her or your family. Best of Thoughts and prayers for all of you.
--Sande N


I've never met Tori. But I have been keeping up on her story and progress every day since day 14. Even though I have never met her or her family I feel as though I know them. I had the worst day today. But when I came home and was able to read that Tori had been moved to HSH, I was so happy!! I was so excited I called two of my friends who also keep up with Tori and told them they just HAD to read today's update! I am so happy for Tori! I love my pray 4 tori shirt and bracelet, and it is an honor to be able to wear them. I pray for Tori and her family and friends every night. You are all so great and strong! :) Keep up the great work Tori! I just may have to get my own cafe latte to celebrate, too. :)


Tim and Maria,
That is so wonderful that she can now concentrate on her rehabilitation instead of on all the other issues she had before. I am so happy for all of you. I don't live very far away so if you ever need anything just let me know. I will only have one child at home all day and another the other half starting next week so I will have a lot more flexibility. You should go and eat at the Sampan restaurant, it is in the mall but you enter from the outside. It is a really good chinese restaurant. I have a lot of faith in Tori that she will be able to be doing those 3 hour a day sessions before too long. I can tell by her wonderful spirit that she is very tough and determined. I will pray that things will be able to happen for her and I pray that she will completely recover someday soon. Just let me know if there is anything you need. Again, Congratulations!!!
