Monday, August 22nd - Day 64 Update

Hello again,

Tori is continuing to stabilize with each passing day and we are so thankful!! Her sleeping patterns are definitely improving and she is now sleeping mostly during the night. She went to bed for me tonight around 9:00pm or so and she also slept well when Maria watched her the previous night. The only time she awakens is when she coughs or gets her trach suctioned and typically she returns to sleep afterward.

Tori still gets slight fevers sporadically throughout the day and she still has several days of taking antibiotics left on her schedule. Without these factors, Tori would have probably been moved to the Health South Hospital today. Maria and I, as well as the doctors here, want to be absolutely confident in Tori's condition when we discharge her because we don't want to be coming back in a rush anytime soon... It is alot better to wait a few extra days now than to experience a rush back to the PCMC.

Tori stayed awake the entire day again but she did require some Valium at one point to calm her agitation. The agitation primarily occurs when Phlegm builds up in her throat and upper lungs. Once she is suctioned she is usually fine. The Phlegm did appear to be diminishing at one point but now we aren't so sure. This will be closely monitored during the next few days as well. Tori's eyes are now wide opened for most of the day and she is definitely tracking and focusing on anything and everything.

Another uneventful and positive day is complete. Tomorrow Tori is supposed to be custom fitted for wrist splints which we really need prior to leaving the PCMC. Her elbows are acting favorably to the elbow splint and we are hoping for the same on her wrists.

That is it for now, thank you all once again!!



i am so happy that tori is progressing in getting better!! everyone keep praying!! love