Sunday, August 14th - Day 56 Update

The Zanaflex that was administered to Tori late last night did lower her heart rate and blood pressure as it is designed to do but not to any levels to be concerned about. Tori slept pretty comfortably the rest of the night and the PICU nurses were also polite enough to let me sleep in straight through the 7:00am-8:00am shift change when all visitors are supposed to be kicked out of the room. Thank you nurse Torrey!! :-)

Tori awoke in a great mood and was awake, aware and tracking with her eyes. We ended up removing her Subclavian Central Venous Line and another set of IV Lines in her hands. The only one she has now is into a vein in her left foot. All or most of her medications will be given now through the NJ-Tube in her nose.

We then moved Tori back up to her old room 3044 in the CMU where all of her posters, decorations, flowers and other items remained during her quick visit at the PICU. Let's all hope and pray that we will never have to visit the PICU again. She ended up doing quite well throughout the remainder of the day. She does get agitated at times and it's primarily when the poor nurses and doctors are around and trying to do their jobs... Sorry about that for all of you who care for Tori and visit this site. There was a doctor yesterday that wanted to look into Tori's mouth and she refused to open it. So he hid around the corner while Maria got Tori's mouth opened but once he moved in again to check it Tori quickly closed it up!! She did this several times to him and he never got to look into it!! Kinda funny but still frustrating for the doctor... hehe

Tori's temperature was hovering in the normal 37 degrees Celsius range all day until about 7:00pm tonight when her fever flared up again. She has given Tylenol to help her with it and the fevers will be expected to appear in this fashion until her Cocci bacteria is completely removed from her system. She has probably by now received her sleeping 'cocktail' containing Bennedryl and Melatonin so Maria can have a great night's rest as well.

Tomorrow we will get Tori heavily engaged into her physical therapy once again and keep her going in it!! That would be a nice change for everyone I am sure :-)

Thank you all and good night,



what tori did was way funny!! i am praying for her and i hope she will keep progresing in getting back to normal! good luck to the Schmanski family!! i love you and i am praying for you!!