there is so much about tori that i absolutely love all of it cant even fit on this whole page!! but i will bring out they main thinkgs i love about her! i love that when ever i was sad or needed someone to talk to she would listen (even if she didnt want to)...haha and then she would still give me the best advice that anyone has given me! another thing is that i loved that she wasnt so shy! thinking that whenever we were at dance she would fart or burp haha and she would be all "yep that was me" haha and then she would laugh! o and a funny thing that i will always remeber cuz my mom gets mad at me when i do it is i walk like tori...turned out! haha heels first instead of toes first ahha! BUT OUT OF EVERYTHING IN THIS WHOLE PARAGRAPH THAT I LOVE ABOUT TORI IS..... when she would take her hoddie over her head tighten it and listen to her ipod haha thats the best! well i love you so much tori you better stay strong so many people are counting on you! YOU CAN DO IT BABE! WE ALL BELIVE IN YOU!!!!!!!! i love you guys so much schmanskis, you guys also stay strong! every thing will be alright!

EVERYONE BUY ALOT OF TORI SHIRTS AND BRACELETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

School Mornings With TORI!!!

Yeah, so every school morning i would ride the bus with Tori. We would always sit in the first seat. She would always tell me about what happen the night before. Then right before we got to school she would but on her lip gloss and wipe the extra gloss on the wall.haha by the end of the year the wall was filled with Tori's lip gloss. Then when we would got to school we would go and get breakfast. Tori would either get the chocolate chip muffins (and eat the chocolate chips seprate from the muffin) or the hashbrowns. (she would put like 3 tubes of ketchup on one, and we would always laugh) Yup those were the good ol' days. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH TORI!!! I know you can do it!!! I pray for you like 5 billion times a day!! STAY STRONG!! your the best!!! I LOVE YOU!!!