Tuesday, August 2nd - Day 44 Update

Hello again,

Tori required only a few doses of Valium late last night and very early this morning because she was given a dose of the Zanaflex which seems to work pretty well on Tori's agitation and twitches. In fact it works so well that today we decided with the Physical Therapists to give it to her regularly in two small doses during the day and a larger dose at 11:00pm or so for sleeping.

We were unable to get the EEG ran today and will try again for tomorrow instead. The Physical Therapists are also seriously considering more Botox for Tori's lower back and biceps to help with her discomfort in those areas. Tori had the full set of therapy movements done this morning and we also placed her in her wheelchair today and went touring for 30 minutes or so. She did very well again with the ride. Tori's cultures have not had any growth so she is still fine in that regard as well.

At 6:00pm Tori went into another deep sleep session with absolutely no movement and low, low vitals and woke up about 9:00pm. We are getting closer and closer to that 10:00pm time we want her to do this at :-)

Other than that it was what I consider another good day for Tori. Her feeds seem to be digesting great but she hasn't had a bowel movement yet even though she is getting medication to help her with this. This is the main issue we are monitoring at this point. Her feeds are still capped at 15 milliliters per hour which isn't too much.

Please continue directing prayers and thoughts to Tori and let hope for three positive days in a row tomorrow.

Thank you all so much,


3 days - then 4 days

Tim - positives will come perhaps not as quickly as you would like but you have been extremely patient. My thoughts and prayers to you and all your family. Thanks for helping the computer-challenged in posting the reunion photos. Guy - thanks for your help as well. Once again we are so thankful for these updates and prayers and thoughts will keep comin'! All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny