Monday, July 25th - Day 36 (Afternoon update)

Tori's morning was somewhat rough today as she vomited again at 5:00am or so... This time she definitely aspirated into her lungs so they checked her back into the PICU coincidently into room 8, which was her very first room in the PICU. The PICU doctors and nurses have explained to us that patients coming back into the PICU is quite common but it is just frustrating none the less...

Tori's feeds are still not digesting and even though they are going through the NG Tube she had installed on Saturday. X-Rays have shown the NG Tube is indeed inserted into her intestine so it is correctly bypassing her stomach. The main goal now is to determine why her feeds aren't staying down as well as they should be. She is having proper bowel movements so from that perspective everything seems to be working fine. The Morphine she was given earlier seems to have majorly disrupted her system and now we just need to get it functioning normally again.

She did sleep pretty well last night from 11:00pm until 5:00am after she had her Valium. She is currently sleeping as well without the use of any sleep inducing drug. We did witness one other positive sign today when Tori became agitated. She actually calmed herself down on her own without intervention. We are certainly hoping to see this more often as it makes life much easier not only for her, but for us as well.

Thanks again,


Thinking of you

Hi Tim;

I was on the website this weekend. I was great to see a pic of you, Whitney, Brendan and Grandma (Aunt Sandy) at the Car Wash. It looked like those crazy girls were having fun! You did look tired. I hope you and Maria will be able to get some well deserved sleep and rest. I pray for your days to get better. The reunion is this weekend and we will all be thinking of you constantly.
