Wednesday, July 20th - Day 31 (morning update)

The PICU doctors just completed their morning rounds and we are now going to double the Baclofen dosage and starting providing the Beta Blocker Propranolol again. We had discontinued that one a while ago due to some PVC's we were seeing on Tori. We found out the cause of the PVC's was due to the fact that Tori's PIC was 4 centimeters too far into her heart yesterday... We pulled it back so now the Propranolol can be given to her again.

At 2:00am or so last night we had to give Tori an Ativan dose and an extra Baclofen dose to get her to sleep again. The extra Baclofen seemed to stop the Clonus activity immediately so maybe we are finally on the right path with this drug. That was the only time she woke up last night.

This morning she is doing pretty well and the physical therapist is on the way right now so I'm heading back to the room.

More updates later!!


Dr. Schmanski

Hey Doc, Thanks for the update. Sounds like you've got the guys on the right track.

Ohhh! DR. Schmanski

It has a nice ring to it; could be male or female. It could be Tim, it could be Guy, it could be Maria, it would be Whitney or Brendan or IT COULD BE TORI! Thanks for the update. As always we check in daily and want to know how Tori, and all of you, are doing. Sounds like she had a better day as well as you, although 2AM is very taxing! Rest peaceful and God bless! Will check in before we turn in for the night. Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny