I saw beautiful Tori today!

Today I was able to see Tori! I wish you could all have this amazing experience! I went with Marilyn Lambright, Mckenzie, Bree Woolstenhulme, and Nate Decker. When we walked in she started crying, and Tim had to calm her down. Tori looked SO much better from when I first saw her, the day after the accident. She is sooo skinny and still tan! Her mom is so cute to her, shaving her legs and plucking her eyebrows...I'll bet Tori didn't like that one. Tori looked beautiful! When Nate walked in, she couldn't take her eyes off him! It was so funny! We told her memories and showed her pictures of herself and we got the biggest smiles that I have ever seen. I loved seeing her smile. I could see her mouth moving up and down, Marilyn said she was trying to talk but she couldn't...that would be so frustrating, I don't know how she deals with it. She kept trying to sit up. It was the saddest thing to see, but the happiest! This trip definetly made my day, and I can't wait to go visit her again! I love you Tori!...We all do!