We are praying for Tori

Tim and Marie,
I was so saddened by reading about your darling Tori!!
The article in the Herald really caught us off guard. Living over here in Cedar Hills, we really are out of the loop. We are thinking of you and your family every day, and I am really feeling like Tori will come through this 100%. She has both you and Maria supporting her, and you are such teriffic parents!!
We will continue to pray for Tori! I will always remember when we lived by you how she would ride her bike over and just talk to Roy and Me.. Heck, we are old folks compared to her, but she conversed with us like we were her friends. She is darling, and is truly a special person! We know she will be blessed and each day will see her getting better and better.
You and Maria take care!
Roy and Jerolyn Beers

Thank you Roy and Jerolyn

Your story about Tori is so true and it brought back alot of memories for me!! Even when she was very little, Tori had the amazing ability to socialize, converse and communicate very intelligently with practically anyone regardless of any age differences. I've seen her do this time and time again throughout her life. I distinctively remember one instance several years ago at Lagoon, a local amusement park here in Utah. One of Novell's Executive VPs, my bosses, bosses boss at the time, was reading a book quietly alone. Tori must have recognized the book or something so she approached him and I watched as they had a very interactive conversation for 15 minutes. I was worried a little that she might be talking him about giving her dad a BIG raise... ;-) They finshed their converstation and later that day my bosses, bosses boss approached me and told me of the wonderful converstation and dialog he had with my daughter that day. Needless to say, Tori left a lasting impression on him just as she has done with so many other people.

Thank you very much again Roy and Jerolyn for sharing your story and we miss you as well!!

Tim and Maria