Saturday and Sunday, December 9th and 10th

Good evening,

Tori had a fairly good weekend and she was a little less agitated than she was during the week. Hopefully it represents progress in her getting used to the new Artane medication she is receiving.

Tori relaxed and watched movies for the majority of the weekend. We also took her to Costco and Walmart shopping today and she enjoyed small bites of various food samples. It is snowing very large snowflakes at this time and we have all been watching and enjoying Tinkers playing in the snow. That dog is trying to catch all of the snowflakes!! :-) There isn't too much else to report on at this point.

In exactly one month from today, December 10th, we will be beginning our trip to China. So I guess the 30 day countdown has begun to January 10th. I'm often asked about our expectations on Tori's upcoming stem cell treatments and what level of recovery will take place. The answer is that we are hoping and praying for miraculous results but there are no guarantees. There are many others who are experiencing positive results from SCT and Tori certainly deserves them as well. Kid's like Lukas who also has a brain injury and whose recent update indicates great progress. I also stumbled across the paralyzed Deering sisters who have begun there trip to Beijing today for a month of SCT. Here is an earlier article on the sisters as well. They hope to walk again. We hope to see Tori smile again. That alone would mean the world to us and make this journey well worth it.

Thank you all as always,

The Schmanski Family

Tori smile

Tim I can tell you I brough Debbie still a sleep and when friends visited I would pick Debbie up in my arms and place her in there lap and say Debbie just needs your touch and pray and let her know she is not alone. After 1.5 year of actupucturte pucture she started to wake up and 3 years later she started smiling. It took alot of love the best drug available and time.

Guys! I have been inpired by

Guys! I have been inpired by all these stories, some making me cry, some making me smile. I have fell in love with this girl i dont' know, she has such a big heart. She must have such loving parents. It is hard, but you guys are sticking with it.

Hope is everywhere.

I just read an article in the January 2007 Ladies Home Journal ("Sarah, can you hear me?") about a girl who in 1984 was in a car accident and suffered traumatic brain injury. It chronicles the family's 20 year journey and her eventual awakening. I tried to find the article on line but was unsuccessful,although it is definately worth reading.
It's amazing how the brain can rewire it's self and the faith and perseverence of family helps in the healing process. Just wanted to let your family know we are always thinking of you and you are all in our prayers. Have a beautiful Christmas.
Rett and Wendy