Me Too!!

Why am I always awake in the middle of the night reading about Tori? It is cause I love her and you guys so much!

I seriously am touched by your entry and how honest you were. When I am around you at some of these fundraisers, I watch you respond to people asking you questions about Tori and her progress and I am amazed at your optimisim and strength!

I think about Tori a million times a day because of my own daughter Mckenzie and as I watch her going to high school and life I can't help but think of Tori and how her life has changed!

It amazes me how you and Maria ask me questions about Kenzie and her life... how hard this must be to hear! And I want you to know that my heart is very tender towards you all the time because I can't imagine how hard it would be to hear about the things Tori should be doing right now!

You and Maria are my heros! I love your family more than I could ever express! It makes my day when Whitney comes running up to me and gives me the biggest hug and holds on tight for the longest time! She has no idea what that does to me!

Every time I drive past your house ( which is probably a dozen times a day ) I say a prayer for Tori! I will never stop praying for your family!

Thanks for sharing your heart!
Love, Mare