Marilyn Hess's blog

Happy Birthday Tori!

I just wanted to wish Tori a very happy 17th birthday! We love you so much and can't wait to come see you today. Have a great day Tori and be so happy!!!!

Mare and Kenzie and Angel!

Good Job Maria!

I just wanted to tell Maria how amazing she did on the News the other night. I was soooo proud of you!!!! You looked beautiful too! Just like Tori! Good things are going to happen this new year for all of you. Good luck in China, I will miss you!


Me Too!!

Why am I always awake in the middle of the night reading about Tori? It is cause I love her and you guys so much!

I seriously am touched by your entry and how honest you were. When I am around you at some of these fundraisers, I watch you respond to people asking you questions about Tori and her progress and I am amazed at your optimisim and strength!

I think about Tori a million times a day because of my own daughter Mckenzie and as I watch her going to high school and life I can't help but think of Tori and how her life has changed!

It amazes me how you and Maria ask me questions about Kenzie and her life... how hard this must be to hear! And I want you to know that my heart is very tender towards you all the time because I can't imagine how hard it would be to hear about the things Tori should be doing right now!

You and Maria are my heros! I love your family more than I could ever express! It makes my day when Whitney comes running up to me and gives me the biggest hug and holds on tight for the longest time! She has no idea what that does to me!

Every time I drive past your house ( which is probably a dozen times a day ) I say a prayer for Tori! I will never stop praying for your family!

Thanks for sharing your heart!
Love, Mare

amazing dance concert..,

Saturday night was great watching the girls perform... as usual. They are always amazing...
But this time was a little different.
I was sitting in the perfect place. I could watch Tori as she watched the dancers and it was very emotional for me. Of course when Whitney did her solo there were so many of us shedding tears! It was a beautiful dance with such a special meaning. Tori did not take her eyes off of Whitney! And the words to the song were amazing. It fit so well! It is great to see Whitney dancing for Tori!
Whit... I know Tori is so proud of you and how beautiful you dance. You are a beauty!

Thanks Tim and Maria for bringing her. There is always an abundance of love when Tori is in the room!

I would like to tell Guy and Sophie good-bye and let them know how much they are going to be missed. Guy,you have taken pictures at so many of these dance events and put them on the page so that everyone could see them. It has brought all these activities to life for so many people who can't be here with us. Be safe and enjoy Boston... but not too much! We want you back!

I love you Tori and I can still remember how beautiful of a dancer you are!!!

Love, Mare

one year...

I would just like to tell Tim and Maria and their sweet family how blessed I am for being able to be a part of their lives this past year.
I hardly knew Tim and Maria, but I loved Tori like a daughter!!!
This past year had been such a learning experience for so many of us. I know that the girls at the Dance Club will never be the same. They look at life different now as do I.

Tori has brought so many of us together. Because of her I have made some wonderful friends especially Tim and Maria. I also got to know Guy and Sophie and Tim's parents. What amazing people you all are! It has been so awesome to see your love and support for Tori and her family! I love you guys!

I have thought so much about this day coming and remembering the events last year at this time..The emotional rollercoaster we all were on. I see how the Schmanski's life has changed dramatically and I watch them in awe! But most of all I miss Tori! I just plain miss her! I hope it is okay to say that!

I love the Schmanski's so much. I don't know what else to say...
Give Tori a hug for me, I have a bad cold and I don't want to give it to her.
Happy Father's Day Tim! You are the definition of the word father!
Love, Mare

Keep Fighting...

I want to punch your insurance company's lights out!! All I can say is keep fighting, and give them heck! I wish I was a physical therapist so I could help stretch Tori for you. That just makes me crazy...and I am already crazy enough! I love you guys...hang tuff.

Love, Mare

Emotional Evening at Orem High

Thrusday night I tried so hard to fall asleep, I just couldn't stop thinking about Tori coming to the performance on Friday at Orem High! And I have to tell you that it turned out to be so AMAZING !!!
The girls were in tears just waiting for her to come. They kept calling my phone to see if she had arrived yet... I was the look-out! Mckenzie, Kara, Bree, Missy and Kelsey met her in the foyer to give Tori a hug and some beautiful flowers! They just couldn't believe she was really there! Neither could I!
The girls came out before their dance "Victoria" and dedicated it to Tori and shared how much love they have for her!!!
I wish you all could have felt the emotion that was there. Sitting around her with so many of her friends just bursting with tears and smiles... It is a moment I will never forget!
Thank you Kenzie and Kara for making up such a beautiful dance for such a beautiful girl! Tori is an amazing inspiration in so many ways! I know all those who were there were touched by her presence!!!
I love you Tori sooo much!
Love, Mare

Orem High Dance Concert

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that there is a dance concert this Thurs. and Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Orem High! There are quite a few of Tori's friends from the Dance Club on that team...

There is going to be a special number dedicated to Tori. Kara, Bree and Mckenzie have been planning to make up a dance to this song for Tori for some time now... The song is "Victoria" by John Mayer and in it he sings of Tori!!! The girls are excited to finally get to perform this dance for Tori. It should be full of a lot of love and emotion! I'm telling you this just so you know that Tori is never out of our hearts.... even though these girls get so busy, they have Tori always with them....

Tori will always be these girls inspiration as they dance!
We all love her so much!

Love, Mare

Tori Looked Great!

Just for those of you who are far away and love Tori so very much... I want you to know that she looked so Great today! It was so fun pulling up to their home and seeing her outside with her family and friends!

I can't wait till it warms up a little bit more and we can take Tori for a nice long walk...

Maria and I are going to burn some calories while we push Tori around the neighborhood... so look out Tori! It could be a wild ride.... tee hee...

I love the Schmanski's!!!!!!!

Congratulations to Tori and Whitney!!

Hey everyone....

Just to let you know... I peaked in at Tori today at her home and she was sleeping soundly. I must say it did my heart good to see her there! I can't wait to see her when she is awake!

It's so amazing when you think about how long Tori has been in the hospital... I can't even begin to imagine what she is thinking? I wish I could jump in her head and hear all her thoughts!!!! One of these days she is going to tell us everything.

It's awesome to know she is just down the street! WELCOME HOME TORI... WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

And congratulations to our ADORABLE WHITNEY!!! She won the scholarship at Dance Attack today... WAY TO GO WHIT!!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!

I love you guys tons.
Love, Mare

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