Tori at the swim party

Tori at the swim party

A nice pic of Tori in the action.

Neck Control

Tim, Tori looks great with neck control and tracking the camera. I have a portable massage table that I always keep with us. I sit Debbie on the table and lean on one elbow at a time and put weight into her arm for 10 minutes. This reduces tone in her hands. I also lay Debbie on her side and put weight through her shoulder and her whole arm relaxes and goes out straight. This process takes an hour at a time, but it keeps Debbie calm without extra meds. Also with time, Debbie holds her arms out by herself. Rewiring the brain through weight bearing takes time, but you will see the reward. When Tori is jumping, she could be saying something needs to be different like position, muscle cramps, shirt to tight, or she even needs to go to the bathroom. Keep talking to Tori, I know you do, and one day she will talk back. Debbie told the therapist by one day. This was her first word.