Jill and Donny's blog

"By Believing, One Sees"

Yep, I want the book as well. Your story has been such an inspiration to both of us. I get frustrated with folks who ask questions and want to hear Tori's story but don't want the truth. Perhaps they are afraid of the reality. Hold steady on your battles with insurance and other entities; stay strong. Fight just as hard as Tori's fights - she too has inspired both of you as well. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny.

Sleepless nights

Tim, Maria - I seem to recall somewhere in all of these entries that a reference was made to how difficult it was to get Tori to "go to bed" because she needed to communicate with her friends and family. Seems to me she is exhibiting those same familiar habits and hopefully this is a good sign. Thank you so much for the beautiful photo of Tori. Your updates are so very valuable to all of your family so far away in the Midwest. My heartfelt thanks to you. God Bless and rest well. All our love Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny -- Love to Paul and Sandy, Whitney and Brendan.

Happy Birthday Tori.

Dear Tori - I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to wish you a happy birthday. Now your birthday is with me and I will do my very best to remember it every year from now on. Happy Birthday Tori and Best Wishes. Feel better and rest well. All our love Great Auntie Jill and Great Uncle Donny

Thinking of you from Auntie Jill

Hi from Minnesota. I am anxiously awaiting my bracelets from Janine. On Sunday, I thought I saw one on a driver's left wrist but since we were driving on the freeway, could not confirm the sighting. I know Tori will be feeling better; she wont' give up. You all are the strongest people I have ever known. Anyone who reads this site will be inspired to hang in there and keep going just like the Pink Energizer bunny (hope that isn't a trademark that I have not legally recognized!). All my love to you. Thoughts all day and prayers every day. Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny. PS Tim - don't give up the thought of a medical career; you would be good at it!

It's a good thing!

What wonderful news for all of you today! Thank you for sharing. Tori sounds ready to take more steps in her recovery. Isn't she amazing?!? Hope you, Maria, and all other family members are getting some much deserved rest. Thoughts are with you all through the day. Prayers will continue. Hugs and kisses to Paul and Sandy, Whiteny and Brendan. Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Tori's friends

Thank you so much for your continued support, thoughts and prayers for Tori. Her friends are so very important to her. A big "thank you" to those of you who visit Tori and to your parents for transporting you. Please, please do not forget her and continue to socialize in any way possible. I know this is a busy time for all you gals and guys, with school starting and everything. Her Dad says visits help her a lot. It must be really difficult for all of you to see Tori fighting so hard to get better but with your help and support it will make it easier for her! Thanks for all you have done for Tori and her family. Tori's Great Auntie Jill

The Reunion

The 42nd Annual Schmanski Reunion, held in Ellsworth WI, Joan & Wil's farm, was dedicated to Tori. We wore yellow ribbons, shared stories of Tori and her family, said prayers, and gave lots of hugs and kisses to each other. I hope that Tori and her family some how felt all that love. Lots of digital photos were taken and I am working on getting mine to this place, but having serious technical issues so will continue to work the problem. When all else fails, I'll burn a CD and send it to Tim. UNCLE TODD: Great picture! You are a wonderful uncle and brother and your words were so touching. We all know that Maria and Tim, Paul and Sandy, and all of this family is so very close and dedicated to each other and they are all working just as hard as Tori is to get Tori better. I just hope that the small things that we are doing, as a family in the midwest, will also make a difference. We love all of you! Auntie Jill & Uncle Donny

Good evening from Minnesota, Auntie Jill

In preparation of our annual Schmanski Reunion tomorrow, July 30, I printed some of my favorite photos from this website to take with us to share with others - a photo of Tori, Guy and "Ma" Schmanski at the car wash, Tim and Maria in France, Tim and Whitney at the car wash, and Tim at his laptop at the hospital. After reading Guy's very touching "Tori's Story", I was compelled to read Tori's story in it's entirety from Tim's blog. How strong she is and she has come so far. You are all so strong and I am so proud of you! Thank you, Guy, for the wonderful story. You are truly a gift to our family. If "Ma" Schmanski (Sandy) thinks you are good enough for this family, that's good enough for me. Consider yourself a nephew, if you accept it. All our love. Rest well all of you. God speed peace to you. LOVE YA TORI! Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Good Morning from Minnesota, Auntie Jill

Hi All! Mornings seem to work better for me as I can get your latest update. Thank you again for your entires. I know it takes precious time that you have little to spare. I am praying today that Tori has a better day and gets some much needed rest - as well as you and Maria. Family reunion is tomorrow and I'm sure you know we will all be thinking of you! I know you will feel the hugs, kisses, thoughts and prayers from all of us. Love to Grandpa and Grandma Schmanski. All our love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

Good Morning from Minnesota, Auntie Jill

I was overcome yesterday by your events, feeling helpless. No words of consolation seemed to be appropriate. Having read Tim's last entry, it appears my prayers were addressed -- give Tori a peaceful and restful night, and her Mom and Dad too. Thank you for giving us daily news; we really do appreciate it. Stay strong and take care of yourselves - Tori really needs you. We will keep our thoughts and prayers focused on you - as always - today and every day. Hope this is a good day for all. Love, Auntie Jill and Uncle Donny

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