Friends' pictures

travis, haha heck yes

travis, haha heck yes

this was at NYCDA in salt lake. this is when we got a picture with travis, it didnt really turn out at all but we all still like it. haha. tori and kourtney before they took this were trying to decide if they wanted to go and ask him cause were all to scared to talk to him. then they finally did and me and mckenzie ran up and got in the picture. i think it kinda bugged them a little but hey it was worth it haha

last year at school

last year at school

this was a picture of us at lunch when tori was in 8th grade

company showcase 2004

company showcase 2004

dance year end banquet

dance year end banquet

Poster picture n#24

Poster picture n#24

Alright, this is the last one from the poster I believe. Now, each and everyone of these pictures need a real title and a description for those of us who were not lucky enough to be present when the picture was taken.

Please provide us with the information in a comment and we will update the title and description accordingly. Thanks in advance,

Santa Clara Competition

Santa Clara Competition

Poster picture n#19

Poster picture n#19

Poster picture n#20

Poster picture n#20

Golden Gate bridge

Golden Gate bridge

Poster picture n#17

Poster picture n#17
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