Friends' pictures

Spaghetti dinner - photo #3

Spaghetti dinner - photo #3

There were many, many people who came to the dinner.

Spaghetti dinner - photo #2

Spaghetti dinner - photo #2

More people enjoying their dinner.

Spaghetti dinner - photo #1

Spaghetti dinner - photo #1

All of the spaghetti dinner pictures are courtesy of Kathy Larsen. Thank you Kathy.

Here are some of the people lining up for some spaghetti, corn and garlic bread.

AnD We aLl ThOuGhTT NioLe wAs tHe tURtLe!~!

AnD We aLl ThOuGhTT NioLe wAs tHe tURtLe!~!

I remember that we always called Nicole "the turtle" and TORI "santas lil helper" but this time Nicole looks joyful like santas lil helper and TORI came out of her shell to get in the picture!haha

TORI AND KOURTNEY.. what a bummer haaha

TORI AND KOURTNEY.. what a bummer haaha

I remember Tori telling all of us about her perfect kiss and how she wanted it to be with JAKE!

Shriners Benifit Concert

Shriners Benifit Concert

This is at the benifit concert last year!!

Junior Co. Sleepover!

Junior Co. Sleepover!

Just a silly picture from one of our MANY junior co. sleepovers back in the day. I am so glad I have this group when I was a little younger; I don't know how I could keep up with them now!! Tori was always especially energetic- and always thinking of new fun activities to keep us occupied ALL NIGHT!!!

"Sound of (Tori's) Pain"

"Sound of (Tori's) Pain"

This is Studio 1's senior company at nationals in Orlando Florida. This dance was called "Sound of my Pain" to the music "Can You Hear Me" by Cindy Morgan. The girls and I decided that the song's lyrics and the motivation of the choreography was made for Tori, even though it was all created before her accident. They pinned yellow ribbons on their costumes (some girls even wore them on their solo costumes to perform!) and we even got the announcer to dedicate the dance to Tori as they were walking on stage. I cannot even tell you what a touching experience this was. I had seen this dance several times before- but with Tori in our hearts it completely re-defined each word and movement into an emotional tribute to her. Even I - who rarely gets emotional - could not hold back the tears. Well, not only did we have the amazing experience of performing our hearts out for Tori and feeling her Spirit fill the stage... but this dance was awarded the highest scoring dance of the entire national competition! I know it's because we were doing it for her, and all awards aside- I will never forget the experience of watching these girls, and feeling as though Tori was next to me doing the same. We love you Tori!! Love, Bree and S1D

Supportive Tori

Supportive Tori

This was at a random Cougarette performance I had. Tori was always SO supportive of everyone! She and a few other Studio 1 cuties came to see us perform our nationals routine.

Ok - Last Studio 1 pic for tonight...

Ok - Last Studio 1 pic for tonight...

I LOVE this picture of Tori. To me it ipotimizes her cute little personality. I love you Tor- you made such an impact on my life as I taught you... and, if possible, even more of an impact by showing your ability to endure this!

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