Post-Accident -- Tori pictures

Tori using EagleEyes!!

Tori using EagleEyes!!

Here is Tori in action!!

Tori all hooked up and ready for some computer time!!

Tori all hooked up and ready for some computer time!!

Here are the 5 probes attached to Tori's face. They measure the position of Tori's eyes through electrical impulses. Amazing technology!! :-)

Another Tori at Sweet 16

Another Tori at Sweet 16

A close up of Tori at her birthday party. There are more party pics here.

Tori is Sweet 16 !!!

Tori is Sweet 16 !!!

Happy birthday Tori!!! There are more party pics here.

Brendan and Tori watching a movie

Brendan and Tori watching a movie

Here is Brendan and Tori watching movies together.

Maria, Tim and Tori just before the dance concert

Maria, Tim and Tori just before the dance concert

Just waitng for the show to begin!! :-)

Tori is all ready for the Dance Club year end concert

Tori is all ready for the Dance Club year end concert

Here is Tori before the concert.

Tori and Whitney having a nap

Tori and Whitney having a nap

Whitney and Tori snoozing away - June 30, 2006

Tori at the BBQ - June 30, 2006

Tori at the BBQ - June 30, 2006

Tori relaxing on the deck.

One more swim party pic

One more swim party pic

Another nice pic of Tori.

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