'Best single subject picture' entries

Tori loves orange

Tori loves orange

This is a picture of the 'Petit Palais' in Paris. Since Orange is Tori's favorite color, I decided to start using orange filters for the camera.

I hope you will enjoy it,

Tori Tori Tori

Tori Tori Tori

Sorry this pic got put in the wrong place last time. But we all love you tori!!!

Ginette Diaz - Here a gift 4 Tori

Ginette Diaz - Here a gift 4 Tori

This entry was submitted by Ginette Diaz over email.

Super cute!

Take care,

Heather/Eddie - pray4tori sign - Create a pepper

Heather/Eddie - pray4tori sign - Create a pepper

So...we were at Chili's yesterday and they had these peppers all over the restaurant. If you make a little donation, they let you color one and put it up on the wall so we decided to do a "Tori" one!

Tim and the new Pray4Tori shirt (back)

Tim and the new Pray4Tori shirt (back)

My model is cute but nowhere near the ones posing for the other shirts. I hope we can fix that tomorrow at Marilyn's fundraiser. Everyone is anxious to get a group photo taken!

BTW, this is the back of the shirt just in case someone was wondering...

The shirts are available in many sizes and colors. We hope you will like them as much as we do.


Tim and the new Pray4Tori shirt (front)

Tim and the new Pray4Tori shirt (front)

The fish tank didn't have a 'clown' fish in it. We figured Tim could fill in for a little bit, at least long enough to take a picture of the new T-Shirts made in Tori's name.

We are quite pleased with the way they turned out. The design was a little complex but it turned out really great.


For Tori's Parents

For Tori's Parents

I made this for Tori's parents. I cannot even begin to imagine what they have done for her. I hope you like it.

Prayers for Tori

Prayers for Tori

Tori portrait by Amanda Page

Tori portrait by Amanda Page

This is a submission for Amanda Page. She used one of Tori's pictures and applied effects on it. Nicely done!

We need many more.

Sereia H. - Animated Pray4Tori image

Sereia H. - Animated Pray4Tori image

Guy: I am posting these on behalf of ~*Sereia.

She emailed me those a while back and I forgot about them. I hope she forgives me for putting them here...

-Guy (for ~*Sereia)

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