Lagoon day in the summer of 2003

Provided the opportunity to invite guests to join me at the Lagoon theme park it didn't take me more than a split second to consider Whitney and Tori.

The date obviously interefered with their busy social schedule. Between dance and friends, they really were not sure that it would work out for them (plus they would have to deal with me for the whole day).

Whitney turned out to have dance that day. That might have helped Tori to decide to come at the time :-).

For some reason I can not remember, we had to drive Tim's 'Gym Locker' to get there. For those of you unfamiliar with that device, it is in reference to Tim's white BMW car which turns out to have many attributes of a... gym locker.

Tori's ability to introduce new topics of conversation is just amazing. It illustrates how smart she is and no one can argue that. We chatted the all way there and the whole way back. Actually, the way back is just a blur because we were both quite tired.

It didn't take Tori more than 30 minutes after we got there to hook up with friends of hers. After less than one hour, she was like a fireball leading a group of probably 8 people including adults.

I failed to mention that I do not like theme parks and rollercoasters. The only reason I chose to go was to spend some time with Tori and I am so thankfull for that day.

The weather was great all day expect for a slight shower in the early afternoon. She managed to convince everyone to get on their wildest rides and did so with an amazing ease. Honestly, I can't remember if we had anything to eat that day or if we rested for a minute. All around, it was a great day and I am hoping we can repeat it one day. Maybe next time we will go out clubbing instead...

Tori, get well and pick a theme park/rollercoaster anywhere in the world and I will take you there!
