Saturday, August 6th - Day 48 Update

Maria and I attended the Dance Attack final session last night in Park City so I am a little behind in Tori's updates. There is actually very little information to report on since Tori slept pretty much ALL day Saturday. Grandpa and Grandma Schmanski stayed at the hospital Friday night and Tori finally went into her deep sleep around 10:30pm. She woke up sporatically throughout Saturday but only for 5-10 minutes at a time.

We have also increased Tori's continuous feed rate to 30 milliliters per hour through her NJ Tube. For her size, Tori should be recieving 80 milliliters per hour of continuous feed and that is our goal. Tori did end up having 3 bowel movements on Saturday which is an indication of progress on the digestive system front.

I have continued in heavily researching post anoxic myoclonus which is also known as Lance-Adams Myoclonus. There is alot of information on this on the internet and this site outlines the medications that seem to help the most. We have increased Tori's Valproate dosage because we want a level between 100-120 in her body at all times. Currently she is at 64. Once this level is hit I would like to reduce the Baclofen and watch Tori's drowsiness levels. I haven't been able to discuss Piracetam with Dr. Gooch, Tori's therapy doctor, but I am hoping to on Monday.

I might as well report on Saturday night activities since I am late on this update. Tori actually slept quite well and we used 2 doses of Valium to get her through the entire night. She did cough up quite a bit of Phlegm last night but the cultures are all still negative for a pneumonia.

Thanks again everyone,