Saturday, July 16th - Day 27 (morning update)

Tori actually slept solidly from 10:00pm last night until 9:30am this morning!! She hardly even noticed as they repositioned her throughout the night. She is awake, alert and feeling comfortable again this morning.

The Clonidine and Clonidine patch seem to be working as we have NOT seen any of the Myoclonus activity. They have also decided to give Tori a dose of Ritalin today at noon. I will be watching her very closely this afternoon.

When the Physical Therapist came in this morning and told Tori to move her fingers and hand she actually did it!! She definitely seems to understand commands at times and can act on them and I have seen this in other instances. Of course when she tried to have her do it again Tori wouldn't... That stubborn old Tori was showing up again!! ;-)

That is all for now!!
