October 18th, 2009 Update

Hello again,

Tori is unfortunately spending the night in the Primary Children's Hospital ICU after an ambulance ride earlier today.... Still trying to ascertain her current respiratory issues but she has greatly improved since her arrival. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

She was scheduled to finally have her spinal fusion tomorrow but alas those plans are squashed again.... Tori had her latest round of botox and phenol injections this past Thursday along with a Flu shot as well. Whitney, Brendan and Grandpa all have had a viral infection over the past several days as well and we believe that is what she has now caught.

She produced a tremendous amount of secretions Saturday night and I had to suction her lungs out during the entire evening. She calmed down Sunday morning and we were planning on taking her to the PCMC for her pre-surgery blood work. But she was very lethargic and couldn't maintain a blood oxygen level above 80% with 8 liters of oxygen so we had to call 911 for support and transport via ambulance to PCMC Emergency Room. The paramedics placed her on 15 liters of oxygen to maintain 95% during the trip.

She is now connected to a BiPap system to help her breath more freely and her blood test results are improving. All other cultures will be known tomorrow as well. They are extremely cautious due to the rampant H1N1 Flu going on in our area and in the PCMC. We will be taking Tori out of here as fast as we possibly can because it is the worst place for her, or us, to be at this time....

Thank you for checking in and I will provide more information as I can. We certainly do not miss the PICU but Maria and I will be spending the night once again as well....

Thanks again,

The Schmanski Family