Monday through Tuesday, November 5th through 20th

Hello there,

It seems like good timing to provide another update given today's wonderful new announcements regarding stem cell research combined with the fact I haven't updated in some time... For those not watching the news or reading the newspapers, there was a significant stem cell research item publicized today. I've included just a few of many, many articles below but in a nutshell they revolve around the fact that they have 're-programmed' adult stem Cells to be more embryonic like in nature without needing an egg or embryo. This is actually HUGE because it helps eliminate the whole debate around using the egg or embryo for the embryonic stem cells. Perhaps we can now get more funding towards this research without the political interference on at least this front. I still believe embryonic stem cell research should continue and without it, today's announcement would have never been made. In all reality, it will take many more advances like this to help Tori given the severity of her brain injury but one tiny, tiny step at a time I guess. There is not much more we can do other than to hope and pray advances come in time to provide Tori an improved quality of life.

Time Magazine: A Breakthrough on Stem Cells
MSNBC: Skin cells made to mimic stem cells

Tori is still doing well, remaining healthy and participating in her various therapy sessions. Nothing extraordinary to report at this time. We were able to take her to the 'Art for Heart' charity dance recital in SLC last weekend. She watched over 2 hours of dance performances without any agitation or anxiety and was fully focused on each performance. She also had some of her old dance team members visit her after the performance. She seemed to have a great night along with the rest of us.

That is the short update for tonight.

Thank you fas always or the continued love, prayers and support for Tori,

The Schmanski Family