Saturday and Sunday, November 11th and 12th


Tori had a pretty uneventful and restful weekend. She is sleeping just wonderfully!! Maria, Whitney, Brendan and I spent the majority of the weekend doing a full scale house cleaning complete with carpet scrubbing. The house really needed it as we haven't had the time to clean it in that fashion since we moved into it.

Tori did get to spend additional time in her wheelchair as usual and she intently watched the 'Wizard of Oz' with Brendan on Saturday night. Gary and Toni also drove up from Delta and stopped by for a several hour visit and Mark and Julie provided Maria and I some company on Saturday night.

I guess the highlight of Tori's weekend was getting her hair shampooed and I'm sure that is fine by her because she thoroughly just loves it!! :-) Tomorrow we begin another week and hopefully it will be filled with more healing and positive direction for Tori.

Thank you all,
