alicia green's blog

Tori's Recovery (Suggestion)

Dear Schmanski Family,

I know you receive suggestions constantly about what to try for Tori and I actually suggested this over a year ago and just wanted to give you the info again in case you feel it is something you are open to for Tori now.

This website is the site of Melinda Lee. She uses the energy healing technique called Theta Healing and it is changing and improving peoples lives. On her site there is a Fox News story you can see for more information. I have witnessed incredible benefits for people with everything from MS to Migraines to emotional stress and depression to chronic pain. The treatment sessions can be done over the phone, in her office or she could probably come to you, (she lives in Orem as well). If you have any questions you can email her or call, that info is also on her website.

I am sure you, more than anyone, would love to see Tori 100% again and I feel this could be great assistance to you.

Best Wishes Always,
Alicia Green

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