Sereia's blog

I am so sorry about your loss.

I have been following Tori's story since this site was started. I went to school with Tori and she was an amazing, beautiful girl who brightened every room she entered. Tori and her family have been through an amazing journey and have always been the perfect example of a strong loving family. I know that families really can and will be together forever.
If there is anything I can do to help the family at this time please let me know.
May comfort and peace be with Tori's family at this time.

I wish only the best for Tori

I never personally knew Tori but I only heard great things about her. She is very beautiful and has a lovely smile! I first heard about this site from my friends, so I decided to take a look. Its one of the best sites that I've seen. I pray that everything goes well for Tori and her family. Even though I dont know them as much as some of you do I still love them and pray for their well being and Tori's progress to recovery.

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